Many happy mistakes!


NEW YEAR - NEW LANGUAGE? You are one of those people who have put learning a new language on their to-do list this year and you are right - whether it is or not for work-related reasons, the benefits of doing so will have positive ramifications on personal, social, cultural and even health level. 


It's well known that New Year's resolutions don't live long. Learning a new language is one of those that demand patience, determination and hard work. You will encounter roadblocks on your language learning journey,  but remember that it's your MINDSET and ATTITUDE that will take you past them to reaching your goal.  SO, DON'T GIVE UP!


Faites-vous partie de ceux pour qui l'apprentissage d'une langue ressemble à un PARCOURS DU COMBATTANT plutôt qu'à une PROMENADE DE SANTE? Sachez que cela n'est pas inévitable - les obstacles peuvent se transformer en opportunités, les erreurs en avantages, les craintes en possibilités. A une seule condition: CHANGEZ D'ATTITUDE - "cette petite chose qui fait une grande différence" et laissez-vous bien accompagner afin de retrouver dans l'apprentissage d'une langue cette joie enfantine qui va de pair avec la curiosité, le goût de la découverte et la créativité. Nos ateliers d'anglais actif pour adultes en sont la preuve: vivre l'anglais sans complexes est possible!


A hard nut to crack ...

... or a piece of cake?

Although some people make language learning look very easy, as they can speak five or more languages,

most adult learners find it quite challenging.


It's considered to be more difficult for adults than for children whose flexible brains grow and multiply the necessary connections more easily.  The brain neuroplasticity decreases as we get older.  Besides, the adults' brain tendency to over-analyse blocks their ability to pick up the subtleties of a foreign language naturally. However, different areas of language learning become progressively more or less difficult with age, thus giving some advantages to older learners. 

 Research also suggests that some people might be cognitively better equipped for language learning. Researchers can even predict who will succeed in language skills and who will fail, simply using their brain scans, but this doesn't mean that everyone shouldn't try!

So, WHAT'S THE MAGIC TRICK?  How to transform a hard nut into a piece of cake?


How about this? :) I'm a big fan of nut cakes! And you?


Now, that's definitely a most delicious transformation!  :))


In language learning we can also turn obstacles into enjoyable opportunities. 

As we already know, one part of the secret is that you should learn a foreign language like a SKILL rather than a SCHOOL SUBJECT. But your ATTITUDE and MINDSET are two key ingredients here - they can hold you back or motivate you to keep going. In the words of Sir Winston Churchill, 'attitude is the little thing that makes a big difference'. 


Here's how this translates into practice: 


* Be CURIOUS, experience the new language in many different ways and accept that you will feel SILLY sometimes - find that child-like JOY in the learning process.

* Lose perfection and HAPPILY MAKE MISTAKES - you need them.

* Be REALISTIC and privilege intelligibility over the utopian native-like model.

* ACCEPT that the learning process might be difficult and long, but that doesn't mean it must be unpleasant - the CHALLENGE is part of the FUN and you're NOT ALONE!




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